Erkki Melartin (arr. Kari Karjalainen): Three pieces for brass ensembles
Kari Karjalainen has arranged these popular piano pieces by Erkki Melartin to different brass ensembles. The three pieces are: Tanssilaulu op. 16 / 3 Legend I op…
Alex Freeman: Northern April for mixed choir
Northern April for mixed choir (SSAATTBarB) is set to text by Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950). The work was commissioned by Tampere Vocal festival in 2023. Buy…
Einojuhani Rautavaara: A Children’s Mass for children’s voices and string orchestra
The seven movements of A Children’s Mass (1973) by Einojuhani Rautavaara are performed in alternation by a children’s choir (SSAA) and string orchestra. Only in the final…
Toivo Kuula: Works for male choir (PDF publications)
Downloadable and printable PDF editions Metsän kuninkaalle (To the King of the Forest) op. 4 nro 1 (1906), text from Kanteletar (“Metsän ukko, halliparta, metsän kultaisen kuningas”)…
Ilkka Kuusisto: Laulu on iloni ja työni for mixed choir
Ilkka Kuusiston sovitus suomalaisesta kansanlaulusta Laulu on iloni ja työni (Laulu se on ollut minun iltojeni ilo) on kirjoitettu kolmiääniselle kuorolle (sopraano, altto, baritoni) ja sopraanosoolo-obligatolle. Buy…
Iiro Rantala: Veneziana for chamber ensemble and piano
Iiro Rantala’s Veneziana for chamber ensemble and piano (2021-2022) is a 50 minute long program about all things Venice; how famous composers were affected by the city,…
Lara Poe: Divergence for string quartet
Lara Poe’s energetic Divergence (2015-2016) for string quartet was conceived cyclically: the four movements explore drifting in and out of focus between different materials. A light ditty…
Lara Poe: Mainspring for alto saxophone and piano
Bouncy and brisk – but also expressive and super lyrical – Lara Poe’s Mainspring for alto saxophone and piano (2020) makes the most of the two instruments…
Géza Szilvay: Colourstrings Hedegű ABC – Kézikönyv tanároknak és szülőknek
Colourstrings Violin ABC – Handbook for teachers and parents (renewed Hungarian edition) A Színes Húrok gyermek-központú, család-központú, Kodály Zoltán zene pedagógiai elvein alapuló vonóshangszer tanítási módszer, tanítási…
Žibuoklė Martinaitytė: Works for mixed choir
The works of New York -based Lithuanian composer Žibuoklė Martinaitytė (b. 1973) have been lauded as breathtaking and profoundly moving. Her stimulating music bristles with energy and…
Timo-Juhani Kyllönen: Three Songs for soprano and cello
Timo-Juhani Kyllönen’s Three songs (1994) for soprano and cello spotlight three poems from the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead (1550−1069 BC). Duration 12 minutes. Buy now
Markku Kopisto: Aves clarinatistae for four clarinets
Aves clarinetistae for four Bb clarinets (4th part can be doubled with bass clarinet) is suitable also for young clarinetists. This product includes two performance scores. Buy…
Géza Szilvay: Colourstrings Violin ABC: Book D (epub)
Ebook – after purchase immediately available for download. This is the new and revised version with additional material. The former D Book Appendix is included in this…
Géza Szilvay: Colourstrings Violin ABC – Opettajien ja vanhempien opas
Suomenkielisen oppaan uudistettu laitos (2023). Jousipedagogiikan huipulle vienyt 50 vuoden kokemus, tarkkanäköisyys ja musiikin, tekniikan ja oivallusten tasapainoinen yhdistäminen huokuu Géza Szilvayn teosten joka sivulta. Tämä suomenkielinen…
Kai Nieminen: Hymnos IV for clarinet
Hymnos IV – Waterscapes… for solo clarinet is composed in 2016. Buy now
Lars Karlsson: Recitativo ed aria for flute and organ
The intensive 5-minute Recitative and aria for flute and organ (1990, rev. 2021) finds peace in the end. Buy now
Kalevi Aho: Quintet for oboe and string quartet
Aho’s Quintet for oboe and string quartet (1973) is the first one in his prominent oeuvre for oboe. The 30-minute work consists of two virtuosic movements. Buy…
Dmitri Shostakovich (arr. Bobrova Lange): Waltz No. 2 from Suite for Variety Orchestra for piano 4 hands
A new arrangement four piano duet (four hands) of Dmitri Shostakovich’s famous Waltz no. 2 for Suite for Variety Orchestra divides melody and accompaniment equally between the…
Jarmo Sermilä: Prolapsus G for solo flute (PDF)
Downloadable and printable PDF edition. Prolapsus G for solo flute was composed in 1970. Duration: 5′. Buy now
Lars Karlsson: Serenade for a friend for violin/flute & piano/organ
Lars Karlsson’s Serenade for a friend for violin or flute and piano or organ was premiered in 1992 by the violinist John Storgårds and composer himself. Dur…
Lars Karlsson: Choral works
Celebrating his 70th anniversary in 2023, Lars Karlsson has a vast output of choir pieces for different choir forms. Mare crisium for mixed choir Mysterious yet lyrical,…
Lars Karlsson: Clarinet Concerto
The romantic modernist (or modern romanticist) Lars Karlsson (b. 1953) wrote his Clarinet concerto (2013-2015) for Christoffer Sundqvist. The work has connections with Nordic mythology and shamanistic…
Jean Sibelius: New editions for choir
New choral editions of Sibelius’ choir pieces are finally available. The music engravements are based on the complete editorial project of Jean Sibelius Works (JSW). MIXED CHOIR:–Den…
Maija Hynninen: Nine-channeled Pearl for piano quintet
Maija Hynninen’s piano quintet Nine-channeled Pearl flows effortlessly. The 10-minute piece includes rhythmical gamelan-inspired passage, twirling scales, sonorous bell-like harmonics and dream-like world ending chorales. Buy now
Kalevi Aho: Quartet for flute, alto saxophone, guitar & percussion
Aho’s Quartet for flute, alto saxophone, guitar & percussion (1982) was written for Cluster ensemble, which is the reason for the particular combination of instruments. Dramatic and…
Aulis Sallinen: Serenade for two wind quartets
Aulis Sallinen’s Serenade for two wind quartets (fl-ob-cl-fg, tr-cor-trb-tb) was composed in 1963. It is now published for the first time. Duration of the piece is ca…
Lara Poe: Contradanse for eight wind instruments
Lara Poe’s (b. 1993) good-humoured Contradanse (duration 4’30) for eight wind instruments employs slightly off-kilter dance rhythms to create a rhythmic background structure to the piece. The…
Olli Kortekangas: Vida vingar – Partita for piano and organ
Olli Kortekangas composed Vida vingar (Swedish for Wide wings) for piano and organ in 2021-22. It was premiered in St. John’s Church in Helsinki – with 70…
Juhani Nuorvala: Prélude non retouché for organ
Juhani Nuorvala, described as an “electro-acoustic urban minimalist”, seeks inspiration from widely varied sources. With the enthusiasm of an explorer, he has delved into microtonality, French spectral…
Olli Koskelin: X’Three for violoncello
X’Three (2003/2021) is the third piece of a solo cello suite consisting of seven compositions. Each of the seven pieces can be performed individually or detached with…