Kalevi Aho: Solo XVII for clavichord
The latest addition to Aho’s sequel for solo instrument pieces: Solo XVII takes a notice to the special features of the clavichord, which is different from that…
Szilvay – Banney: Colourstrings Viola ABC: Kreutzerini
Géza Szilvay’s Kreutzerini, here adapted for viola by David Banney, consists of 42 finger exercises for perfect intonation in the first position. Kreutzerini is a supplementary material…
Géza Szilvay: Colourstrings Violin ABC: Book G5 – Sixth and seventh positions
The volume G of the popular Colourstrings violin tutors by Géza Szilvay studies every position of the violin in a separate volume. The extensive Book G5 –…
Lars Karlsson: Suite for Helena for wind quintet
Suite for Helena (Svit för Helena, 1994) for wind quintet is built on folk tunes from Åland Islands. In five movements, it takes a form from classical…
Lotta Wennäkoski: Mien for wind quintet
Mien (2014) for alto flute, English horn, clarinet, horn & bassoon is based on rippling, wavering, timbre changing effect of bisbigliando. The good-humoured piece has a swinging…
Lotta Wennäkoski: Päärme (Hem) for piano trio
Päärme (Hem) has a pulsative character, especially in the outer sections, and the idea of steady but erratically colourful stitching prompted the amusing and highly unusual word…
Alex Freeman: String Quartet No. 1
Alex Freeman found initial inspiration for his string quartet (2015) in a series of photographs a geologist friend showed him of en échelon veins in rock formations…
Alex Freeman: A Wilderness of Sea for mixed choir
A Wilderness of Sea draws from four of Shakespeare’s most famous works. This 16-part and 15-minute-long piece emphasizes a common thread among those works that addresses two…
Harri Wessman: Pan and the Nymph Pitus & Towards the Night for flute and guitar
This publication includes two pieces by Harri Wessman for flute & guitar: Pan and the Nymph Pitys (1979) bears the first symptoms of Wessman’s later style, the…
Lara Poe: Triton for trumpet
The name of Lara Poe’s solo trumpet work Triton (2019) alludes both the sea god Triton and the shell named after him. The 6-minute-long piece is constructed…
Antti Auvinen: Singel Excelsis for organ
Singel excelsis is composed using the material from an earlier work for three organs. Auvinen finds fascinating the rhythmic characteristics of the organ: "Many of the vibrations…
Jyrki Linjama: Allenheiligertag cycle for string quartet / violin / viola da gamba
The material for Jyrki Linjama’s Allerheiligentag cycle is a Finnish folk chorale for All Saints’ Day (no. 146 in the Finnish Hymn Book). The second work in…
New downloadable PDF editions available
These earlier published popular works are now also available as downloadable PDF editions: SOLO INSTRUMENT:Aho: Solo XII for viola Buy nowAho: Solo XV for marimba Buy now…
Tommi Hyytinen: 30 Concert Etudes for low horn
Tommi Hyytinen’s collection of 30 etudes is at the same time instructive, fun and interesting to play. The etudes consist of similar technical challenges what a low…
Esa Pietilä: The Wind Wants for wind quintet
Esa Pietilä’s The Wind Wants examines various kinds of wind: "A balmy summer breeze suddenly gives way to an autumn gale that blows with all its might,…
Esa Pietilä: Fata morgana for harpsichord
The title Fata morgana (2019) refers to a special weather condition which creates illusory effect of mirage-like fairy castle-like monuments in the horizon of the sea. The…
Olli Kortekangas: Missa silvestris for mezzo-soprano, male choir and organ
The "Mass of the Forest" follows the catholic mass with a pantheistic approach. The 30-minute long mass is composed to a Swedish text by Göran Stenius (1909-2000),…
Roope Mäenpää: Lähi for violin and clarinet
Lähi (Finnish for ”near”, ”close by”) for violin and clarinet was composed in a situation when the COVID-19 pandemic had shut down most of the society in…
Roope Mäenpää: Bloom for tuba / euphonium & PDF editions for low brass
The impressionistically flowing 6-minute Bloom (2000) flourishes in three versions: euphonium & piano, tuba & piano and solo euphonium, all included in the package. Buy nowErkki-Sven Tüür:…
Alex Freeman: Under the Arching Heavens: A Requiem for mixed choir
Freeman’s Requiem (2018) was commissioned by the Helsinki Chamber Choir to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Finnish civil war in 1918. Structured around the Latin liturgy…
Antti Auvinen: Delfiinimeditaatio for mixed choir
Delfiinimeditaatio (A Dolphin Meditation) is set to Harry Salmenniemi’s short story (in Finnish). Salmenniemi’s prose gets a modern treatment by Auvinen: repetitions of words and syllables, cutting,…
Mixed, Descant & Male choir works (PDF)
These choir classics from Fazer’s and Westerlund’s collections now available as downloadable PDF editions MIXED CHOIR:J.S. Bach: Unser Leben ist ein Schatten (Elo täällä on vain varjo,…
Jyrki Linjama: Sonata da chiesa I for piano
The title of Sonata da chiesa I for piano alludes to the sonata tradition of the Baroque at its weightiest and most solemn. The polyphonic church sonata…
Erkki-Sven Tüür: Sonata no. 1 for piano
Tüür fully exploits the potential of the piano in this three-movement sonata for piano (1985). The 14-minute sonata shows traces of minimalism and impressionism. This new and…
Kalevi Aho: Concerto for horn and chamber orchestra
Among the ambitious composition projects by Aho has been to write a concerto for each of the main instruments in the Romantic symphony orchestra. In 2011 the…
Matthew Whittall: Northlands – Concertino for horn and strings
Northlands (album for horn and string orchestra) is a concertante work for horn and strings. Whittall tells that it was influenced by his brief experience with Iceland,…
Yrjö Kilpinen: Sonata for violin and piano
Yrjö Kilpinen is most known for his hundreds of lieds and song cycles. Large-scale Sonata for violin and piano is dated in 1935, but the work was…
Mikko Heiniö: Teoksia kuorolle – Works for choir (SATB & TTBB)
Jouluaamun hämärässä sekakuorolle on kaunis, kansanlaulumainen sekakuoroballadi säveltäjän omaan tekstiin. Buy now
llkka Kuusisto: Lauluja – Songs
Kiurun portaat soprano & piano Buy nowMadrigaaleja baritone & piano Buy nowSuomalainen vieraanvara voice and piano Buy now Nämä kolme viehättävää laulusarjaa löytyvät myös Waltteri Torikan ja…
Einar Englund: Flute Concerto (also PDF)
Englund’s (1916-1999) Flute Concerto (1985) is beyond dispute one of his greatest works. Its finest attributes are its rich melodic invention, colourful instrumentation and immediate message. Add…