Aulis Sallinen: Four Dream Songs for soprano and six violoncellos

Aulis Sallinen: Four Dream Songs for soprano and six violoncellos

Aulis Sallinen’s powerful opera Ratsumies (The Horseman, 1972) to the libretto by Paavo Haavikko is the origin of the orchestral songs “Neljä laulua unesta” (Four Dream Songs). The composer arranged the songs for soprano and six violoncellos on the request of Total Cello Ensemble in 2020. Buy now QR ⮞ × Download QR 🠋

Aulis Sallinen: Ratsumies – vocal score

Aulis Sallinen: Ratsumies – vocal score

Erä vuoden 1979 painosta Aulis Sallisen Ratsumies-oopperan pianopartituuria erikoishintaan! Alunperin Olavinlinnan 500-vuotisjuhlaan syntynyt Ratsumiehen kantaesitys oli merkkitapaus: moderni mutta helposti omaksuttava sävelkieli yhdistettynä Paavo Haavikon monisyiseen librettoon johti suomalaista oopperaa uuteen suuntaan. Buy now QR ⮞ × Download QR 🠋

Aulis Sallinen: Two Mythical Scenes Op. 1 for orchestra

Aulis Sallinen: Two Mythical Scenes Op. 1 for orchestra

Two Mythical Scenes for orchestra was completed in 1956 when Sallinen was Aarre Merikanto’s composition student. The work received its first performance only after a good deal of pressure from Prof. Merikanto’s side, and was finally premiered in a concert by the Sibelius Academy Symphony Orchestra conducted by Jussi Jalas. Study score 55011-610-8,  € 22,50

Aulis Sallinen: Variations for cello & orchestra Op. 5

Aulis Sallinen: Variations for cello & orchestra Op. 5

Aulis Sallinen (b. 1935) was still seeking to establish a style of his own in his early instrumental works. He studied at the Sibelius Academy in the late 1950s, first with Aarre Merikanto (reknown for his Neoclassical style) and then with Joonas Kokkonen (who was transitioning from Neoclassicism to dodecaphony). Twelve-tone music had won fairly…