Lotta Wennäkoski: Works for guitar

Lotta Wennäkoski: Works for guitar

Balai for guitar Balai for solo guitar (2009) was inspired by the most common technique on the world’s most common instrument – strumming. The Ballet interlude momentarily interrupts the rhythmic continuum with its decadent dance steps. “Balai” is French for a lute, a broom, or a dust mop. Balayettes for two guitars Lotta Wennäkoski’s Balayettes…

Jyrki Linjama: Chants and Spirituals for brass quintet

Jyrki Linjama: Chants and Spirituals for brass quintet

Jyrki Linjama (b. 1962) composed Chants and Spirituals for brass quintet in winter 2022/2023 for the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra’s chamber music series. The title of the work points in two directions: to Gregorian chant and to American negro spirituals. The serious antiphon Apud Dominum meets summer chamber jazz vibes – as well as skillful…

Olli Koskelin: Solo pieces for flute & guitar

Olli Koskelin: Solo pieces for flute & guitar

Olli Koskelin’s compositional style covers a vast area from the neo-impressionism to the post-expressionist echoes. He uses breakneck virtuosity, rich romantic textures and overtone series like the French spectral composers and avoids dramatic culmination. Tintinnio II for flute The high-spirited  Tintinnio II (2022) gives a new definition to virtuoso piece! then when A-go for guitar…

Rossa – Szilvay : Chamber Music for young string players I

Rossa – Szilvay : Chamber Music for young string players I

The imaginative and sparkling arrangements of Finnish and Hungarian folk songs by László Rossa in this collection “Chamber Music for young string players I” offer the possibility to play chamber music from the very beginning of instrumental studies. The third part is written for 3rd violin, viola and cello, and it applies mostly open strings….

Lotta Wennäkoski: Sigla for harp and orchestra

Lotta Wennäkoski: Sigla for harp and orchestra

“Whizzing, growling and rattling – you can produce all kinds of sounds with the harp, not just the fairy-tale shimmer and glissandos that you first think of.” Lotta Wennäkoski composed Sigla for harp and orchestra (2021-2022) in close collaboration with the harpist Sivan Magen, to whom the concerto is dedicated. The title of the concerto,…

Géza Szilvay: Violin Scales for children 1–3

Géza Szilvay: Violin Scales for children 1–3

Revised versions of three pedagogically revolutionary guides to teaching scales. The books  introduce the concept of scale note by note, develop intonation and help  to understand, why to learn scales and arpeggios in the first place! Géza Szilvay: Violin Scales for children 1 Géza Szilvay: Violin scales for children 2 Géza Szilvay: Violin scales and…

Kalle Oittinen (toim.): Piilo – Nykymusiikkia ja improvisaatioharjoituksia alttosaksofonille

Kalle Oittinen (toim.): Piilo – Nykymusiikkia ja improvisaatioharjoituksia alttosaksofonille

Ainutlaatuinen kokoelma teoksia ja improvisaatioharjoituksia saksofonille syntyi saksofonisti Kalle Oittisen tilaamien nykymusiikkiteosten ympärille. Julkaisuun sisältyvien Piilo-korttien avulla voidaan harjoitella saksofoninsoiton moderneja tekniikkoja sekä improvisointia ja säveltämistä. Kokonaisuudesta löytyy soitettavaa niin musiikkiopiston perustasolla oleville kuin ammattilaisillekin – ja kaikille siltä väliltä! Piilokortit ja niihin liittyvät tehtävät sekä verkosta ladattava lisämateriaali on hyödynnettävissä muillekin soittimille kuin saksofonille….