Jyrki Linjama: Five Songs “himmeä, kirkas, himmeä…” for baritone & piano

Jyrki Linjama: Five Songs “himmeä, kirkas, himmeä…” for baritone & piano

Jyrki Linjama’s (b. 1962) poetic music finds its counterpart in the poems of a Finnish modernist Eeva-Liisa Manner (1921–1995). The 23-minute song cycle ”himmeä, kirkas, himmeä…” was commissioned and premiered by baritone Aarne Pelkonen and pianist Juho Alakärppä. 55011-578-1, € 29,50

Lars Karlsson: Toccata, variations and fuga for organ

Lars Karlsson: Toccata, variations and fuga for organ

based on the Swedish hymn "Den blomstertid nu kommer"Probably of folk song origin, this Swedish hymn was first time published in the 1695 Swedish Hymnal. The Finnish version "Jo joutui armas aika" is traditionally sung in the end of the school year. The rhythmic toccata followed by the joyful variations and an uplifting fuga is…

Hanna Elomaa & Päivi Kantanen: Yhdessä pianolla

Hanna Elomaa & Päivi Kantanen: Yhdessä pianolla

Uutta, innostavaa nuottimateriaalia pikku pianistien ryhmäopetukseen. Yhdessä pianolla sisältää neli- ja kuusikätisiä kappaleita alkeet hallitseville oppilaille sekä monipuolista lisämateriaalia, joka johtaa hauskalla tavalla vapaan säestyksen, improvisoinnin ja säveltämisen alkupoluille. Mukana rytmi-, melodia-, sävel-, ja tunnetaitokortit sekä motivoivia tehtäviä. Kirjalla on oma Youtube-kanava. A new innovative book for group piano lessons, only available in Finnish.Oppilaan kirja…

Jean Sibelius: Cassazione op. 6: transcription for wind band by Robert J. Ambrose

Jean Sibelius: Cassazione op. 6: transcription for wind band by Robert J. Ambrose

Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) made his first sketches for material that would later find its way into Cassazione at the end of the 1890s; there are already hints of it among the sketches for the First Symphony, completed in 1899. The first performance of Cassazione as the opening number in a concert of his music held…

Kirmo Lintinen: Myrsky vesilasissa (Storm in a Teacup) for flute, bassoon & piano

Kirmo Lintinen: Myrsky vesilasissa (Storm in a Teacup) for flute, bassoon & piano

The air is heavy with flashy comments, when the flute, the bassoon and the piano start their debate in “Storm in a Teacup” (2014) by Kirmo Lintinen (b. 1967). Less than 5 minutes of length this virtuosic trio finds the piece after the grand rampage. Humour and playfulness are characteristic elements of Kirmo Lintinen’s music….