Satu Simola: Hiiri – satu orkesterille ja kertojalle : The Mouse – a story for orchestra and narrator

Satu Simola: Hiiri – satu orkesterille ja kertojalle : The Mouse – a story for orchestra and narrator

Hiiri on tarina hiirestä, joka asuu yksin rakentamassaan koneessa. Koneen sisällä hiiri kuitenkin tuntee yksinäisyyttä. Hiiri on sävelletty lasten ja nuorten konserttikäyntiä varten. Siinä on tarina, jota kertoja ja kuvat tukevat, mutta pääosassa on musiikki. Osat ovat lyhyitä ja karakteristisia.   The Mouse is a story about a mouse that lives alone inside a monster…

Juhani Nuorvala: Variationes ex “Bene quondam” for string orchestra

Juhani Nuorvala: Variationes ex “Bene quondam” for string orchestra

Juhani Nuorvala’s (b. 1961) Variationes ex ”Bene quondam” for string orchestra was commissioned by the Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra in 2017. Collaboration with the musicians led to experiments with microtonality. The work is based on a late medieval song from the Finnish collection Piae cantiones (Pious songs). Study score 55011-618-4, € 19,80

Juhani Nuorvala: Boost for cello and analogue synthesizer

Juhani Nuorvala: Boost for cello and analogue synthesizer

Nuorvala has been described as an “electro-acoustic urban minimalist”, he seeks inspiration from widely varied sources. With the enthusiasm of an explorer, he has delved into microtonality, French spectral music, techno and rock. Boost (2009) celebrates all these features. 55011-629-0, € 14,50

Joonas Kokkonen: Viimeiset kiusaukset / The Last Temptations (piano reduction)

Joonas Kokkonen: Viimeiset kiusaukset / The Last Temptations (piano reduction)

The corrected and updated edition of the piano reduction of the opera Viimeiset kiusaukset (1973–75) is made by Pekka Asikainen (who has worked with it as a répétiteur for decades) and the conductor Ulf Söderblom. The publication marks the 100th anniversary of Joonas Kokkonen (1921-1996), celebrated in 2021.  55011-617-7, € 42,60

Aarre Merikanto: Sestetto per archi (String Sextet)

Aarre Merikanto: Sestetto per archi (String Sextet)

Aarre Merikanto (1893–1958) composed his string sextet in 1932 for the competition of Library of Congress, Washington. The work was however not accepted because it was sent without the performance material, after which Merikanto cut out many segments. In 1993 Paavo Heininen completed the 22-minute work. Score & parts 55011-528-6, € 62,00

Alex Freeman: I Feel the Same Way (Three songs of Lilian Moore) for children’s choir

Alex Freeman: I Feel the Same Way (Three songs of Lilian Moore) for children’s choir

These three songs (2015) capture little moments of childhood wonder. Lilian Moore (1909–2004) was a poet and editor who helped makíng children’s books more affordable and worked to combat racial stereotypes in children’s literature. 55011-569-9, € 4,80