Joonas Kokkonen: Laudatio Domini for mixed chorus and soprano
New edition 2024 of the Finnish choir classics! Joonas Kokkonen’s (1921-1996) Laudate Domini (1966) for mixed chorus and soprano is the most important of Kokkonen’s works for…
Jennah Vainio: Let it be forgotten for mixed choir
Jennah Vainio’s Let it be forgotten (2019) to a poem by Sara Teasdale (1884-1933) was commissioned by the Juvenalia Choir. “Like life itself, love withers in time…
Olli Kortekangas: Ave Maria for mixed choir
Olli Kortekangas’s Ave Maria (2023) for mixed choir brings colours of Italian folk music into the Angelical salutation. Buy now
Aarre Merikanto: Juha – vocal score
Juha is a three-act opera by Aarre Merikanto (1893-1958), with a Finnish libretto by Aino Ackté-Jalander (based on the 1911 novel of the same name by Juhani…
Aulis Sallinen: Ratsumies – vocal score
Erä vuoden 1979 painosta Aulis Sallisen Ratsumies-oopperan pianopartituuria erikoishintaan! Alunperin Olavinlinnan 500-vuotisjuhlaan syntynyt Ratsumiehen kantaesitys oli merkkitapaus: moderni mutta helposti omaksuttava sävelkieli yhdistettynä Paavo Haavikon monisyiseen librettoon…
Julia Reinikainen: Minun pianoni – Alkeiskirja
Erityisesti 5-8-vuotiaille suunnatussa Minun pianoni -alkeiskirjassa opitaan yli 60 viehättävän pikkukappaleen kautta perusrytmit, tahtiosoitukset sekä nuottien paikat ja nimet kahden oktaavin alueella. Osaan kappaleista on liitetty myös…
Géza Szilvay: Violon Scales
How to explain to a child, what scales are and why they are played? Géza Szilvay’s child-centered scale books (completely renewed editions in 2024) start the journey…
Jennah Vainio: Saxophone Quintet
Jennah Vainio’s Saxophone Quintet (2004) is scored for alto saxophone and string quartet. The composer tells: “I began to compose the Saxophone Quintet in the late summer…
Lotta Wennäkoski: Vestige for violin and piano (PDF)
Downloadable and printable PDF edition. Vestige for violin and piano is based on the aria for soprano and instrumental ensemble Minä odotin Lotta Wennäkoski composed in 2003…
Einojuhani Rautavaara: Song of my heart for violin and piano (PDF)
Downloadable and printable PDF edition. Einojuhani Rautavaara ended his opera Aleksis Kivi (1995–1996) with the comforting words of The Song of my Heart: “Far from war and…
Matthew Whittall: Le Tombeau de J. K. for violin and piano (PDF)
Downloadable and printable PDF edition. The composer tells: “Waiting to hear was commissioned by my publisher, Fennica Gehrman, as part of a volume of new duos celebrating…
Kalevi Aho: Le Tombeau de J. K. for violin and piano (PDF)
Downloadable and printable PDF edition. Kalevi Aho composed Le Tombeau de J. K. in memory of Jaakko Kuusisto, who died on February 23, 2022. “Jaakko and I…
Kalevi Aho: Solo XVIII for tuba
Kalevi Aho has continued composing his popular Solo pieces for different instruments. Solo XVIII for tuba (2021) was premiered in March 2024 by Nicolas Indermühle in Sibelius…
Veljo Tormis: Kurvameelsed laulud (Melancholy Songs) for mezzo-soprano and strings
Kurvameelsed laulud (Melancholy songs) for mezzo-soprano and strings by Veljo Tormis are based on three Estonian folk songs. The texts (sungable texts in Estonian, an English translation…
Veljo Tormis: Reminiscentiae: Kevadkillud for string orchestra and xylophone
Reminiscentiae: Kevadkillud (2009) for strings and xylophone is an orchestral adaption by Veljo Tormis of his Kevadkillud (1966) for women’s chorus to poems of Jaan Kaplinski ,…
Einar Englund (arr. Ambrose): Tempo di Marcia from Symphony No. 1 for wind band
Einar Englund (1916-1999) was a major Finnish composer of symphonies, concertos and film music. His first symphony (1946) bears the title “War Symphony”, not given by the…
Jennah Vainio (arr. Viitasaari): Beatbox Concerto for wind band (PDF)
Downloadable and printable PDF edition. Jennah Vainio’s Beatbox Concerto Fujiko’s Fairy Tale has been performed close to 20 times, mostly in the USA, where the beatboxer Shodekeh…
Kalevi Aho: Three pieces for young violin players
Kalevi Aho’s Three pieces for young violin players (2023) celebrates the full potential of open strings, first position, glissandos that end up on natural harmonics. Buy now
Géza Szilvay: Colourstrings Bundles
The Colourstrings method developed by Géza and Csaba Szilvay has gained an international reputation and is taught all over the world. Colourstrings Online Courses by Géza Szilvay…
Kalevi Aho: Finnish Cello Pedagogues for four violoncellos
Kalevi Aho’s virtuosic, perceptive portraits of four Finnish Cello Pedagogues for four violoncellos were composed 2008–2013. This product consists of a full score and a set of…
Harri Wessman: Summer Variations for viola and piano
Harri Wessman’s Summer Variations for viola and piano (1998) exploites the rich and romantic sound of the viola and enjoys the many shades of summer days. It…
Lotta Wennäkoski: Tocca for violin and harp
What are the various ways to touch upon the strings of violin and harp, if the musicians are equipped – in addition to fingertips and the bow…
Einojuhani Rautavaara: Concerto for harp and orchestra
The piano reduction for Einojuhani Rautavaara’s Concerto for harp and orchestra (2000) is available for the first time! This product includes also the solo part edited by…
Tauno Marttinen: Suite Luonnonjumala (God of Nature) for harp
Luonnonjumala (God of Nature) is Tauno Marttinen’s adaption for harp of his piano suite Taara (op. 34). The manuscript for harp was found in January 2024 by…
Alex Freeman: Ring Out, Wild Bells for mixed choir
Alex Freeman’s Ring Out, Wild Bells was composed in 2020. It is set for mixed choir (SSAATTBB) to the text by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Buy now
Timo-Juhani Kyllönen: Tussilago (Coltsfoot) for mixed choir and piano
The charming poem by the Swedish story-teller Elsa Beskow about a coltsfoot, the first flower to greet the northern spring, set for mixed choir and piano. Text…
Jack Mattsson (arr. Karlsson): Katrina-svit for male choir
Jack Mattsson’s Katrina-svit is arranged for male choir by Lars Karlsson. It contains four movements: 1. Kaptensvisa / Einars visa (text Lars Karlsson) 2. Sommarpsalm (Lars Huldén)…
Ahti Sonninen (arr. Kuikka): Preludio festivo for wind band (PDF)
Downloadable and printable PDF edition / Ladattava ja itse tulostettava PDF-nuotti Ahti Sonninen composed the festive overture Laulujen virta (Stream of Songs) / Preludio festivo in 1953…
Einojuhani Rautavaara: Concerto grottesco for wind orchestra
Published for the first time in 2024! Einojuhani Rautavaara’s Concerto grottesco was composed in 1950 and is among his first orchestral works. With overall duration of 6…
Einojuhani Rautavaara: Hajoaminen – Four songs for voice & piano
Published for the first time in 2024, Einojuhani Rautavaara’s (1928-2016) Hajoaminen (Dissolution, 1956) is set to four grim poems by Finnish poet Lassi Nummi (1928-2012). Plaintive motifs…