Ilkka Kuusisto: Solo songs and song cycles
The grand old man of Finnish opera Ilkka Kuusisto passed away recently. In addition to almost 20 operas he also wrote an enormous amount of off-stage vocal…
Lotta Wennäkoski: Fågelmänniska for mezzo-soprano and piano
Lotta Wennäkoski (b. 1970) wrote her song cycle I stället för vingar (Instead of wings, 2014-16) to poems of Eva-Stina Byggmästar. The original suite is for mezzo-soprano…
Liisa Karhilo (sov.): Sinä ja minä – Yhteissoiton alkeita sellolle ja pianolle
The melodies of the 15 inspired arrangements for young cellist and pianist originate from the rich folk music in Europe and the Americas. Renowned Finnish piano pedagogue…
Ahti Sonninen: Seitsemän Siionin virttä sellolle ja uruille (/pianolle)
Ahti Sonninen (1914-84) sovitti suomalaisen hengellisen kansanperinteen aarteita sellolle ja uruille (tai pianolle). Melodiat “Siionin virret” -kokoelmasta ovat peräisin eri puolilta Suomea. Buy now
Jyrki Linjama: Prélude oublié for piano
Jyrki Linjama wrote Prélude oublié (2021/24) for Juho Pohjonen. The title alludes to Baroque tradition of arpeggiated keyboard preludes, filtered in a similar way as French baroque…
Pirkko Simojoki / Géza Szilvay: Colourstrings Viola ABC: Book D
The longed-for fourth part of the Colourstrings Viola Book D (2/2025) series is here! Book D continues the use of the five-line stave introduced in the Book…
Einojuhani Rautavaara: Pelimannit / Fiddlers for string orchestra (New edition)
The Pelimannit (Fiddlers, 1952) suite, numbered opus 1, was the first “real” composition by Einojuhani Rautavaara (1928–2016), written even before he was accepted by the Sibelius Academy…
Duets for violins
Matti Rautio: Duos for two violins – 25 folk tunes from FinlandCarefully chosen 25 Finnish folk tunes arranged for two violins by composer Matti Rautio (1922-1986) were…
Ida Moberg: Orchestral suite “Sunrise”
Ida Moberg (1859–1947) was a Finnish composer and teacher. She grew up in a musical family, her father being an instrument maker. Ida was exceptionally well-educated in…
Kalevi Aho: Concerto for timpani and orchestra
Kalevi Aho’s Concerto for timpani and orchestra (2015) was premiered in Turku, Finland 22nd April 2016 Ari-Pekka Mäenpää as soloists and Erkki Lasonpalo as conductor. Performance material…
Kalevi Aho: Double concerto for two bassoons and orchestra
Kalevi Aho’s Double concerto for two bassoons and orchestra (2016) was premiered in Warsaw, Poland with Bram van Sambeek and Leszek Wachnik as soloists. Duration 29 min. …
Žibuoklė Martinaitytė: Ululations for mixed choir
Žibuoklė Martinaitytė’s Ululation (2023) for mixed choir developes entirely from the “ululating” gesture. Ululations can be taken as a ritualistic expression of mourning commenting on the turbulent…
Jean Sibelius (sov. Salakka): Viisi joululaulua / Five Christmas songs op. 1 for male choir
Sibelius’ Christmas songs op. 1 (texts in Finnish) arranged for male choir by Teppo Salakka. Buy now
Matthew Whittall: Songs of Travel for mixed choir
Matthew Whittall’s large-scale choral song cycle Songs of Travel (2020-2021) is set to poems by Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894), compiled and adapted by the composer. Duration 30…
Matthew Whittall: love is a place – Three Songs after E.E. Cummings for mixed choir
In this set of love songs “love is a place” after one of the great poets of the genre, Matthew Whittall wanted to create a sense of…
Matthew Whittall: Två psalmer for mixed choir
Matthew Whittall’s pair of psalm-based settings was a commission from the Finnish union of church musicians, for Swedish-language pieces specifically intended for liturgical use. Du kröner året…
Jennah Vainio: For Such a Time As This – Three songs for male choir with percussion
Jennah Vainio’s For Such a Time As This was commissioned for YL Male Voice Choir’s 140th anniversary concert in 2023. The songs deal with topics such as…
Timo-Juhani Kyllönen: Julen sveper in for mixed choir & piano
Timo-Juhani Kyllönen’s Julen sveper in op. 101b (Swedish, “Christmas sweeps in”) for mixed choir and piano was commissioned for Espoo Arbis Chamber Choir in 2023. The composition…
Johanna Almark: Tänään ja tuhat vuotta for descant choir & piano
Laulun voiman ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden ylistystä säteilevä Johanna Almarkin ja Heta Heiskasen Tänään ja tuhat vuotta on kirjoitettu kolmiääniselle (SSA) diskanttikuorolle ja pianolle. Neliminuuttinen teos sopii niin…
Taru Aarnio: Opettajan ja vanhempien opas (Colourstrings Cello ABC Book A)
Opettajan ja vanhempien opas Géza ja Csaba Szilvayn luomaan Colourstrings-metodiin käy Colourstrings Cello ABC -sarjan ensimmäisen osan sivu sivulta läpi. Musiikin, tekniikan ja oivallusten innostava ja tasapainoinen…
Harri Wessman: Concertino for trumpet and string orchestra “Mirrors”
Harri Wessman’s Concertino for trumpet and string orchestra Peilejä (Mirrors) was premiered in 1997. Suitable for student / pupil orchestra, the concertino follows fully Wessman’s principle: “I…
Jean Sibelius (arr. Flanagan): String Trio in G Minor – arrangement for string orchestra
String Trio in G Minor (1893-94) is a work of Jean Sibelius’s mature chamber music period, and his symphonic writing style is clearly present. The trio was…
Lotta Wennäkoski: Mellan natt och regn for guitar and string quartet
The lyrical title of Lotta Wennäkoski’s Mellan natt och regn (Swedish for “Between Night and Rain”) derives from a poem by Tua Forsström (b. 1947), and the…
Kalevi Aho: Works for string quartet
SumussaKalevi Aho composed a shimmering six-minute journey for string quartet under the title Sumussa (“In the fog”, 2023). It was premiered by Tempera Quartet at Kaustinen Chamber…
Kalevi Aho: Ruija for flute and violoncello
Kalevi Aho (b. 1949) composed Ruija for flute and violoncello (2023) to be performed in Kakslauttanen planetarium dome in Saariselkä, Lapland. It is dedicated to the memory…
Einojuhani Rautavaara: Concerto for violin and orchestra
A new edition of the study score (2024) of Einojuhani Rautavaara’s Concerto for violin and orchestra (1977) is now available. Buy now
Kaj Chydenius: Pohjoiset vuodenajat (The Northern Seasons) for mezzo-soprano and piano
Composer Kaj Chydenius (1939-2024) and Sami poet Nils-Aslak Valkeapää (1943-2001) celebrated their friendship with collaboration, the song cycle Pohjoiset vuodenajat (The Northern Seasons, 1989) being the most…
Eetu Ranta-aho: Lasten lied! 3 – Avaruuslaulut
Vantaan musiikkiopiston 60-vuotisjuhlaan tilattu Eetu Ranta-ahon Avaruuslaulut on Lasten lied! -sarjan kolmas osa. Viisiosainen, nuorelle laulajalle ja pianistille sävelletty liedsarja Vantaan musiikkiopiston lied-ryhmäläisten teksteihin vie ihmettelemään ympäröivän…
Aulis Sallinen: Four Dream Songs for soprano and six violoncellos
Aulis Sallinen’s powerful opera Ratsumies (The Horseman, 1972) to the libretto by Paavo Haavikko is the origin of the orchestral songs “Neljä laulua unesta” (Four Dream Songs)…
Einojuhani Rautavaara: Orpheus singt for mixed chorus
Einojuhani Rautavaara’s Orpheus singt for mixed choir to poems by Rainer Maria Rilke includes three songs: 1. Da stieg ein Baum, 2. Und fast ein Mädchen wars…,…