Géza Szilvay: Violon Scales
How to explain to a child, what scales are and why they are played? Géza Szilvay’s child-centered scale books (completely renewed editions in 2024) start the journey one step at a time, with inner hearing leading the fingers. Alongside the letter names and staff writing of the notes the child gets familiar with their locations on the fingerboard.
Violin Scales for Children 1 acquaints the pupil with the major and natural minor scales, which are built on the natural notes starting with the scale of A major. With the help of tonic solfa, the child will learn the scales in a natural manner.
Violin Scales for Children 2 acquaints the pupil with chromatically altered notes and with major and natural minor scales based on them. The particularly difficult stopping positions of the fingers are helped by short preparatory exercises.
Violin Scales and Arpeggios (completely renewed and extended edition in 2024) uses tonic solfa to acquaint the pupil with arpeggios over one, two, three and four octaves and major and melodic minor scales over two and three octaves. First and second inversions as well as diminished and dominant seventh chord are included. The B4 sized book with 91 pages is a valuable resource for all violin players in various levels of learning. The step-by-step approach makes the understanding and motivation towards scales and arpeggios grow and flourish!
To facilitate the learning, each page will introduce only one new note. The initial tone of each scale is properly printed; the places of other tones are illustrated with a diagram. This helps the child to concentrate on the learning and writing of the new note and its locating on the fingerboard.
Two octave scales are learned gradually, using duo and group playing to help the intonation. Recognition and drawing exercises reinforce the learning of the letter names of the notes. The last part of the book introduces the three octaves scales, where the third octave is played with finger repetition (4–4–4-etc.).
The simultaneous teaching of these scales together with easy performing pieces by László Rossa: Violin Rascals Volume 4 (9790550095717) fosters the technical, theoretical, and emotional development of the students. Buy now