Lintinen, Kirmo
Kirmo Lintinen (born 16 May 1967) studied composing and the piano at the Sibelius Academy. He is a versatile musician and composer who can look back over a long career in jazz, as a composer, arranger, pianist and conductor. He nevertheless regards himself primarily as a composer in genres ranging from jazz to classical – often cheerfully intermixed – and has written operas, concertos, film music, chamber works, music for children and big band pieces for the UMO Jazz Orchestra of which he has long been a key figure as a pianist and conductor.
In recent years Lintinen has been concentrating particularly on concert music, which nowadays constitutes the bulk of his considerable output. Among the works published by Fennica Gehrman are concertos for piano (No. 1, commissioned by the Finnish Broadcasting Company/RSO and premiered by Jouko Laivuori in 2009), guitar (2011, commissioned by the Chamber Orchestra of Lapland and dedicated to Ismo Eskelinen) and clarinet (2013, commissioned by and dedicated to Harri Mäki). Other orchestral works include the Accordion Concerto (2015, commissioned by the Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival) and the Tuba Concerto (2014, commissioned by the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra and Mobile festivo (2003) for orchestra.
Kirmo Lintinen has also been active in composing chamber music. Storm in a Teacup (Myrsky vesilasissa, 2014) is a short, virtuosic trio for flute, bassoon and piano. In Ballata Concertante (2015-2016) Lintinen’s ensemble is the same as that of Schubert’s Octet. Quattro capricci is written for saxophone quartet and C.I.D. for wind quintet. In addition Lintinen’s works include pieces for piano with clarinet or other wind instrument.
Accordion Concerto
for accordion and chamber orchestra
1(+picc.)111-1000-11-str Percussion: 4 Timpani, Suspended (Chinese) cymbal, Temple block (high)
Duration: 17
Accordion Concerto
Version "Oulu" (2014-15/2023)
for accordion and sinfonietta
2(II+picc)22(II+bcl)2(II+cfg)-2200-11-str Percussion: 4 Timpani, Suspended (Chinese) cymbal, Temple block (high)
Duration: 17
Cello Concerto
for violoncello and chamber orchestra
1(+picc)11(+bcl)1-1000-01-str(min.43222) Percussione: Tamburino (montano sul un supporto), Cassa di legno, Piatto sospeso, Tamtam, Campanelli, Triangolo
Duration: 19
Clarinet Concerto
solo-cl & 2(picc)2(cor.ang.)1(cl.bas.)2/2200/timp//archi
Duration: 23
Guitar Concerto
guitar (soloist), 1111/1000/0, strings [flute (doubling piccolo), oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, guitar (soloist), strings (min.): 4-3-2-2-1]
Duration: 25
Haapaneitty, Mettäntyttö
Musiikkisatu (2007)
recitatore + fl, ob, string quintet Total duration with recitation 30-35 min.
Duration: 20
La permanenza della memoria
for string quartet and chamber orchestra
Duration: 8
per orchestra di clarinetti, strumenti a percussione e due pianoforti a quattro mani
5 Solo Clarinets (2 Clarinets in Eb, 2 Bass Clarinets in Bb and Contrabass Clarinet in Bb), 5 Clarinet groups (á 6 players or more) in Bb, 2 Pianos (both four hands) and Percussion (5 players) Perc: I Timpani II Campanelli III Vibrafono (com motore), Piatto chiodati IV Campane tubolari, Triangolo, Cassa di legno, V Tamburo piccolo, Bongos (2), Tam-tam
Duration: 12
Mobile festivo per orchestra
for orchestra
3333/4331/13/1, piano, strings (min. 16-14-12-10-8)
Duration: 11
Piano Concerto No. 1
2(picc)2(cor.ing)22(cl.b)/4221/12/pf(solo), strings
Duration: 32
Concerto for violin and big band
solo violin (amplified or electric) and big band
2asax(I+picc.II+cl).2tsax(I+cl.II+fl).bsax(+bcl)- set)-pf-cb
Duration: 15
Tuba Concerto
3(III+picc)3(III=ca)3(II+ebcl;III+bcl)3(III=cfg)—4330-13-hp-cel—str Percussione: Timpani, Tamburo piccolo, Tamburino, 3 Tom-toms, Gran cassa, Piatti à2, Piatto sospeso, Tamtam, Campanelli, Marimba, Campane tubolari, Triangolo, 3 Temple blocks, Guiro
Duration: 18