Kuusisto, Taneli
Taneli Kuusisto (1905-1988) was a composer and organist. In 1931 he graduated from the Helsinki Institute of Church Music and received a diploma in organ from the Helsinki Conservatory in 1935. He was organist of Töölö Church in Helsinki and worked at the Helsinki Academy as teacher of liturgical organ playing and music history in 1948–57. He became the head of the church music department and later director (1959–71).
As a composer he has his roots in the national romantic tradition. Although early in his career he showed some interest in Skrjabin and Sibelius, later he developed a neoclassical, linear style reflecting his admiration for Bach. The best known of his works are the songs and psalm settings, of which Suomalainen rukous (The Finnish Prayer) is best known.
Fennica Gehrman publishes Taneli Kuusisto’s works for solo instrument, chamber ensembles, his choral works and works for orchestra, and has also published his solo songs in two volumes.
24 Finnish Christmas Carols
Sales material 1. J Sibelius: Nu står jul vid snöig port / Joulu saapuu portin luo / Now Stands Yule at the Snowy Gate (Sw/Fin/Eng) 2’ (2fl/str) 2. J Sibelius: Nu så kommer julen / Tervehtii jo meitä / Now is Christmas Coming (Sw/Fin/Eng) 3’ (2fl/str) 3. J Sibelius: Det mörknar ute / Jo joutuu ilta / O’er Hill and Dale (Sw/Fin/Eng) 2’ (2fl/str) 4. J Sibelius: Giv mig ej glans / En etsi valtaa, loistoa / Gib mir nicht Glanz / We Ask for Nothing Rich or Rare (Sw/Fin/Eng/Ger) 4’ (2fl/str) 5. J Sibelius: On hanget korkeat / Visst drivor höga som skyn vi ha /The Shining Snows are Driven High (Sw/Fin/Eng) 3’ (2fl/str) 6. K Collan: Sylvian joululaulu / Sylvias julvisa (Sylvia’s Carol) (Fin/Sw) 4’ (2fl/str) 7. P J Hannikainen: Hiljaa, hiljaa helkkyellen / Lyss till kvällens milda toner (Softly, Softly Ringing) (Fin/Sw) 3’ (hp/str) 8. P J Hannikainen: Tuikkikaa, oi joulun tähtöset (Twinkle, Little Christmas Stars) (Fin) 2’ (str) 9. P J Hannikainen: Kautta tyynen, vienon yön / I den stilla nattens fred (Through the Soft and Tranquil Night) (Fin/Sw) 2’ (str) 10. O Merikanto: joulu tullut on (Christmas is Here) (Fin) 2’ (fl/str) 11. E Melartin: Yön keskellä tähtönen loisti / Du strålande Betlehemsstjärna (A Star Shone in the Night) (Fin/Sw) 2’ (str) 12. S Palmgren: Ja neitsyt pikkupoijuttansa / Och jungfrun gömmer troget (The Virgin MaryRocks Her Child) (Fin/Sw) 2’ (str) 13. H Kaski: Mökit nukkuu lumiset / Skog och fält i snöskrud stå (The Snowbound Cabins Sleep) (Fin/Sw) 4’ (hp/str) 14. L Madetoja: Arkihuolesi kaikki heitä / Vardagssorgerna glöm dem alla(Cast off All Care) (Fin/Sw) 2’ (hp/str) 15. L Madetoja: Enkelien joululaulu (The Angels’ Carol) (Fin) 2’ (2fl/str) 16. I Hannikainen: Odotan jouluvierasta (I Await a Christmas Guest) (Fin) 2’ (str) 17. J Pohjanmies: Talvi-iltana (On a Winter’s Evening) (Fin) 2’ (str) 18. V Hannikainen: On maassa hanget puhtahat / På marken ligger dunnmjuk snö (Snow Lies Fresh upon the Ground) (Fin/Sw) 2’ (str) 19. M Turunen: Me käymme joulun viettohon / Vi gå att fira julens fest (We Go to Celebrate Christmas) (Fin/Sw) 3’ (hp/str) 20. T Kuusisto: Oi saavu, rauhan juhla (Come Festival of Peace) (Fin) 3’ (hp/str) 21. A Sonninen: Rauhaa, vain rauhaa / Hör, julens klockor ringa i frid(Peace, Perfect Peace) (Fin/Sw) 3’ (str) 22. J Parviainen: Betlehem (Bethlehem) (Fin) 3’ (str) 23. O Kotilainen: Kun joulu on (Now that it is Christmas) (Fin) 2’ (2fl/str) 24. O Kotilainen: Varpunen jouluaamuna / Sparven på julmorgonen (A Sparrow on Christmas Morning) (Fin/Sw) 4’ (hp/str)
Duration: 0
Aaron Ykkönen
valikoima sovituksia solistille ja orkesterille
Duration: 0
for strings
Duration: 10
Dolmatovskin laulu
oopperasta Taipaleenjoki
voice and orchestra
Duration: 3
Fjäriln vingad eller qvinnokunst och mannamod
Musik till sångspelet av Erik Söderblom
for orchestra Maracas, Marimba, Piatto sospeso, Glockenspiel, Triangolo, Tamburo militare)-keyboard(Cembalo/Lute/Guitar/Teorbi or other)-str
Duration: 0
Fröken Julie / Miss Julie
Ooppera / Opera in 2 acts (1993)
3 roles, 2222/22 10/11, strings
Duration: 90
Gabriel, tule takaisin!
Nelinäytöksinen ooppera (1995)
Opera in Four Acts
2S-MS-A-T-Bar-SSAA 1111-2110-01-pf(+keyb)-str Percussione: 2 Timpani, Tamburo militare, Tom-toms, Gran cassa, 2 Bongos, Piatti (medio & piccolo), Tamtam (grande), Glockenspiel, Xilofono, Vibrafono, Triangolo, 2 blocchi di legno, Guiro, 2 Maracas, Cabasa, Vibraslap, Drum set
Duration: 110
Iloista joulua - sikermä joululauluja
Versio suurelle orkesterille
for large orchestra
3(III=picc)3(III=ca)3(III=bcl)3(III=cfg)-4331-11-hp-str Percussion: Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Cymbals, Xylophone, Tubular Bells, Triangle, Sleigh Bells Ensimmäinen joulu - The First Nowell Jouluilta (Taivahalla syttyi juuri) Kilisee kilisee kulkunen Joulukirkkoon (Kello löi jo viisi) Oi sä riemuisa - O du fröhliche
Duration: 0
Iloista joulua -sikermä joululauluja
Versio sinfoniaorkesterille
for orchestra
2222-2210-11-hp-str Percussion: Snare Drum, Bass Drum, Cymbals, Xylophone, Tubular Bells, Triangle, Sleigh Bells Ensimmäinen joulu - The First Nowell Jouluilta (Taivahalla syttyi juuri) Kilisee kilisee kulkunen Joulukirkkoon (Kello löi jo viisi) Oi sä riemuisa - O du fröhliche
Duration: 7
Isänmaan tyttäret / Daughters of the Fatherland
Ooppera / Opera in 3 acts (1996)
21 major and minor roles, 2222/2231/11, strings
Duration: 120
Jääkäri Ståhl / Jaeger Ståhl
Ooppera / Opera in 6 acts with epilogue (1981-1982)
14 major and minor roles,2222/4330/12, strings
Duration: 110
Kiljusten Kalevala / Kalevala after the Kiljunen Family
Musikaali / Musical (1998)
children's musical in two acts
6 major roles piano; double bass, percussion
Duration: 0
Kotia kohti
pohjautuu Z. Topeliuksen tarinaan "Koivu ja tähti" (2005 / 2009)
church opera in 2 acts
Duration: 60
Kuninkaan sormus
Kaksinäytöksinen ooppera / Opera in two acts (2001)
6 major roles, ca 20 minor roles, 2222/2210/11/0, keyboard, strings
Duration: 130
Matilda ja Nikolai / Matilda and Nikolai
Ooppera 12 kohtauksessa / Opera in 12 scenes (2003-2004)
10 major and minor roles, mixed choir, 2222-2210-01-pf-str
Duration: 90
Meren lauluja
The Sea Songs (1991)
for children’s or juvenile choir and orchestra
2000-0000-01-str 1. Meren laulu (The Sea Song) 4’ 2. Pääskyn aika (The Time of the Swallow) 3’ 3. Meri on sininen (The Sea is Blue) 3’ 4. Satamahinaaja (The Tugboat) 4’
Duration: 14
Miehen kylkiluu / The Rib of a Man
Ooppera / Opera in 3 acts (1977-1978)
9 major and minor roles, 1011/1000/01, accordion, strings
Duration: 105
Miehen kylkiluu / The Rib of a Man
Ooppera / Opera in 3 acts (1977-1978)
9 major and minor roles, 2222/4231/12, strings
Duration: 105
Muumiooppera / Die Muminoper
The Moomin Opera (1974)
Soloists: 7 singing roles, female non-singin role, male speaking-role playing mouth-organ, dancers (4-10, maybe children)
1(+picc)11(+ebcl+bcl)1-2111-02-hp-str Percussion: Timpani, Snare drum, Tom-tom, Bass Drum, Cymbals, Gong, Bell plates, Marimba, Xylophone, Triangle, Tambourines, Maracas, Wood blocks, Penal, Rattle, Flexatone, Cow bell, Car horn
Duration: 65
Nainen kuin jäätynyt samppanja [A Woman Like Frozen Champagne]
Kaksinäytöksinen monologiooppera /Chamber opera in 2 acts (1999)
1 major role, 1 dancer, piano, violin, cello
Duration: 80
Pelle Svanslös
laulu ja piano, stemmoja ainakin in Bb
Duration: 0
Pierrot eller nattens hemligheter
Pierrot ja yön salaisuudet (1990)
3 major roles, piano+synthesizer (1 player), percussion, strings
Duration: 60
Postineiti / The Postmistress
Ooppera / Opera in 2 acts (1991)
18 major and minor roles, 0022/2110/11, piano, strings
Duration: 100
Ooppera Konikapinasta / opera in 2 acts with epilogue (2002)
21 major and minor roles, mixed choir, 2220/2230/11/0, piano, strings
Duration: 120
Pyhä yö [libretto: Panu Rajala]
joulukohtaus oopperasta Taipaleenjoki
Duration: 5
Sarja Suzuki-sovituksia
for orchestra (1st mov with piano solo)
2(II+picc).2.2.2- sospeso, Tamburino, Tam-tam)-str 1. Kuutamolla (pf & orch) 2. Arabialainen laulu 3. Allegretto 4. Musette
Duration: 0
Soi, virteni, kiitosta Herran
Kalajokilaaksosta ((arr.Ilkka Kuusisto)
for voice and orchestra
Duration: 2
Sota valosta / War for the Light
Ooppera / Opera in 5 acts (1980)
19 major and minor roles, actors, mixed choir, 2(II+alto/picc)2(II+cor.ing)2(II+Eb/bcl)2(II+cbn)/433(III+btbn)1/12/1, accordion, strings
Duration: 150
Symphony No. 1
for symphony orchestra
3(III=picc).3(III=c.ing).3(III=bcl).3(III=cfg)-, Glockenspiel, Tam-tam, Gran cassa, Wooden block, Tamburo militare, Triangolo, Tamburino)-hp-str
Duration: 27
Symphony No. 2
for symphony orchestra
3(III=picc).3(III=c.ing).3(III=bcl).3(III=cfg)-, Glckenspiel, Silofono, Tamburo militare, Triangolo, Guiro, Piatti a due, Gran cassa), Tam-tam, Lastra di metallo)-str
Duration: 32
Ooppera / Opera in 2 acts (2010)
Duration: 150
Tule hiutale
for mixed choir and orchestra, Glockenspiel, Tubular Bells)-str
Duration: 5
Vapauden vanki / The Prisoner of Freedom
Monologiooppera / Monologue opera in 2 acts (2006)
monologue opera in 2 acts
solo baritone and ensemble: oboe (doubling cor anglais and oboe d'amore), violin, viola, cello, harp and piano
Duration: 85
Consolation / Lohdutus
for string orchestra
Duration: 3
Jumalan lähettiläät [SALES MATERIAL]
God's Messengers (1973)
for baritone, mixed chorus, organ and string orchestra
org/str(ad lib)
Duration: 15
for high voice and orchestra
Duration: 8
for violoncello and orchestra
Duration: 9
Oi saavu, rauhan juhla / Come, Festival of Peace
for medium voice and orchestra
Duration: 3
Psalm 40
for baritone, mixed chorus, organ and strings
Duration: 10
for piano and string orchestra
Duration: 3
Sielut / The Souls
for medium voice and orchestra
2222-2000-str [F major]
Duration: 3
Sun ristis juurehen
for voice and ochestra
1.1(=c.ing).1.2- key: f minor
Duration: 3
Sun ristis juurehen
for voice and orchestra
1.1(I=cor.ing).1.0- key: f minor
Duration: 3
Suomalainen rukous / Finsk bön
A Finnish Prayer (1939)
for mixed chorus and orchestra
2222-2220-str G-duuri / G major
Duration: 3