Bergman, Erik
Erik Bergman was a pioneer on the Finnish musical scene. With roots in the romantic era, he was named the enfant terrible of Finnish music in the 1960s and the Grand Old Man of modernism in the 1990s. He studied twelve-tone technique in the 1950s with Wladimir Vogel in Switzerland and even adopted strict serialism in some of his works. Later he arrived at a personal style of his own in which tone colours and the search for new expressive means played an important role.
The human voice never ceased to fascinate Erik Bergman; choral works constitute the bulk of his oeuvre and the unaccompanied male-voice choir was his core instrument. He exploited the whole gamut of vocal resources on a sliding scale from speech to song, and his spectrum is remarkable, ranging from the mischievous to the mystical. His Galgenlieder to texts by Christian Morgenstern are choral classics (Vier Galgenlieder for speakers and speaking choir are for male choir and Vier Galgenlieder for mixed choir). Bergman has also composed several large-scale works for chorus and orchestra such as Bardo Thödol (Op. 74, a setting of the Tibetan Book of the Dead), Rubaiyat Op. 41 to texts by Omar Khayyam and Hathor Suite Op. 70.
Bergman was an exceptionally prolific composer who, apart from vocal music, composed a number of works for orchestra that provide a comprehensive cross section of his main stylistic periods. From the 1970s onwards he branched out into concertos and chamber music; during his last creative years, in 1996-2003, he wrote concertos for the violin (The Maestro and His Orchestra), oboe (Cadenza), cello (Concerto for Violoncello and String Orchestra) and trumpet (Fantasia per tromba e orchestra). He was constantly on the move, had a deep interest in distant cultures and was untiring in his search for the new. After his trip round the world he wrote the dance poem Le voyage (The Journey, 1999) which can also be performed in a concert version.
for soprano, alto, tenor, bass and ensemble
Duration: 15
for orchestra
2222(II+cfg)-4331-03-str Percussione: Timpani, Tamburo piccolo, Cassa rullante, 3 Tom-toms, Gran cassa, Piatto sospeso (medio), 3 Tamtams, 3 Gongs, Crotali, Silorimba, Vibrafono, Flexaton
Duration: 21
Ekhnatons solhymn (1959)
for baritone, narrator, mixed chorus and orchestra
2(II+picc)2(II+ca)22-3330-13-cel-str Percussione: Tamburo piccolo, Tamburo basco, Bongo piccolo, Tom-tom, Gran cassa, Piatti, 2 Piatti sospesi (piccolo & grande), Tamtam grave, Silofono, Vibrafono, 2 Blocchi, 2 Blocchi coreani
Duration: 22
for percussion ensemble
Duration: 13
per orchestra (1958)
for orchestra
3(III=picc)23(III=bcl)2-4330-13-cel-str Percussione: Tamburo piccolo, Tamburo basco (Tamburino), Tamburo senza corde (Rührtrommel), 3 Tom-toms, Gran cassa, Piatti, 3 Piatti sospesi, Tamtam medio, Glockenspiel, Vibrafono, Triangolo, Blocco
Duration: 13
Bardo thödol
for mezzosoprano, baritone, narrator, mixed chorus and orchestra
2(II*)22(II+ebcl)0-4331-14-hp-str Percussione: Cassa rullante (senza corde), Gran cassa, Tamburo basco, Damaru (Tibetan rattle drum), Piatti, 2 Piatti sospesi, 3 Sizzle cymbals, Tamtam (grave), Gong (grande), 2 Ting-šag (small oriental temple cymbals), Crotali, Silorimba, Vibrafono, Campane tubolari, Dril-bu (Tibetan hand bells), Sonagli (2 pairs of oriental ankle-bells), 2 Sistrums, Shell chimes (small hanging mussel shells), Wood chimes (hanging bamboo pipes), Reco reco, 2 Temple blocks, Flexaton *Flute 2 plays also a flute with built-in microphone
Duration: 40
for tenor, reciter, male chorus and instruments
Flute, Jew's harp, Shell, Percussion (2 Temple blocks, Guiro, Reco-reco, Schnarre, Flexaton, Röhrenglocken, Klaviersaiten)
Duration: 16
Birds in the Morning
for flute and orchestra
2(II+picc).2.2.2(II+cfg)- Perc: 2 tamburi piccoli, 4 temple blocks, reco-reco, sandblock, wood chimes, cassa rullante, gran cassa, piatto medio sospeso, vibrafono, xylorimba
Duration: 19
for orchestra
2(II+picc)2(II+ca)22-3300-13-str Percussione I: Tamburo, Tamburino basco, Triangolo, Castagnette II: Tamburo basco, Gran cassa, Piatti, Triangolo III: Silofono, Triangolo
Duration: 9
for oboe and orchestra
2(II+picc)222-4330-13-str Percussione: Tamburo piccolo, Cassa rullante, Tamburo basco, Piatto sospeso, Crotali, Silorimba, Vibrafono, Wood block
Duration: 15
Canticum fennicum
for baritone, narrator, two male quartets, male chorus and orchestra
Duration: 22
for orchestra
2(II+picc)2(II+ca)22-4221-14-hp-cel-str Percussione: Caisse clairesenza corde (tamburo piccolo), Tamburo piccolo con corde (tamburo militare), Tamburino (tamburo basco), Cassa rullante, 2 Congas, 2 Bongos, 3 Tom-toms, 2 Timbales, 3 Piatti sospesi, Gong (medio), Tamtam (grave), 4 Crotali (suoni reali), Campanelli con bacchette, Campanelli mit Klaviatur, Campane, Silofono, Xylorimba, Marimbafono, Vibrafono, 4 Campanacci (Almglocken), 2 Triangoli, 2 Blocchi (Woodblocks), 3 Temple blocks, Nacchere (Castanets), Maracas, Guiro, Foglio di carta, Sandpaper, Sonagli, Flexaton
Duration: 11
Colori ed improvvisazioni
for orchestra
3(III+picc)33(III+ebcl)3(III+cfg)-4331-13-hp-str Percussione: 3 Tamburi piccoli (1. con corde, 2.&3. senza corde), 2 Tamburi basci, 3 Tom-toms, Darabuka (tamburo arabo), Tamburo rullante senza corde, Gran cassa, 2 Piatti sospesi (medio & grande), 2 Gongs (medio & grande), 2 Tamtams (medio & grave), Crotali, Glockenspiel, Xylorimba, Marimba, Vibrafono, Campane tubolari, Claves, Blocco di legno, Tamburo di legno africano (Schlitztrommel), 2 Temple blocks, Wood chimes (hängende Bambusröhre), Shell chimes (hängende Muschelplättchen), Fruit shells (Fruchtschalenrassel), 4 Metal blocks (Almglocken), Flexaton
Duration: 19
Concertino da camera per 8 solisti
for ensemble
102(II=bcl)0-0000-01-pf-str(10110) Percussione: Tamburo piccolo, Tomtom (grave), 2 Bongos, 2 Piatti sospesi (piccolo & grande), Vibrafono, 2 blocchi
Duration: 10
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra
for violoncello, contrabassoon and string orchestra
Duration: 15
Concerto for Chamber Orchestra
for chamber orchestra
Duration: 13
Ensamhetens sånger
Songs of Solitude (1947)
for mezzo-soprano or baritone and orchestra
2(II+picc)2(II+ca)22-4230-11-hp-str Percussione: Piatto sospeso, Triangolo Text by Edith Södergran 1. Nocturne 2. På Himalayas trappor (Himalajan rinteellä) 3. Gryningen (Sarastus) 4. Animalisk hymn (Animaalinen hymni)
Duration: 14
for baritone, male chorus, percussion and celesta
cel, 2perc
Duration: 7
Fantasia [SALES MATERIAL], Una
for piano quintet
Duration: 13
Fantasia per tromba ed orchestra
for trumpet and orchestra
2(I+afl;II+bfl)222-4330-12-str Percussion: Tamburo piccolo, Tamburo rullante, Cymbals, Suspended cymbal, Sizzle Cymbal, 3 Tam-tams (large, medium, small), Finger cymbals, Crotales, Xylophone, Vibraphone, 4 Tamburinos, Bell tree, Dobaci, Sleigh bells
Duration: 20
for soprano, baritone, mixed choir and instrument ensemble
11(=ca)00-0000-02-hp Percussione: Tamburo basco, Gran cassa, 3 bongos, 3 Piatti sospesi (piccolo, medio & grande), Gong, Tamtam (grave), Crotali, Campanelli, Campane, Xylorimba, Vibrafono, 2 Triangoli (piccolo & medio), Wind chimes
Duration: 17
Hommage à Paul Sacher [SALES MATERIAL]
for ensemble
xylorimba/vibraphone, piano and string quartet
Duration: 5
for baritone, male chorus and instrument ensemble
Duration: 13
Klockans ljud [SALES MATERIAL]
The Sound of the Bell (1975)
for baritone, narrator, male chorus and instrument ensemble
cl(asax)/hn/2perc/hp(=gtr) /vn/cb
Duration: 15
Maestro and His Orchestra, The
for violin and string orchestra
str I Introduction II C-Ess-A-B-A-E (Csaba, Peter) III Epilogue
Duration: 17
for soprano and orchestra
2222-4200-11-hp-str Percussione: Tamburo, Triangolo Lyrics by Jarl Hemmer 1. Månuppgång (Moonrise) 2. Lövsprickning (Leaves sprouting)
Duration: 9
Meditation and Emotion
for orchestra
Duration: 12
Musica Marina
for string orchestra
str I Johdanto (Introduction) II Toukokuun yö (Majnatt / May Night) III Merelle! (Till havs! / Setting Sail!) IV Eteenpäin! (Framåt! / Onward!)
Duration: 11
for baritone, mixed chorus and instrument ensemble
11(=ca)00-0000-02 Percussione: Timpani, Tamburino, 3 Bongos, Gran cassa, Piatto sospeso (medio), Tamtam (grave), Gong (medio), Crotali, Campanelli, Silofono, Vibrafono, 2 Blocchi, Guiro, Wood chimes, Wind chimes, Sonagli
Duration: 13
for orchestra
2(I+picc;II+afl)2(II+ca)22(II+cfg)-4331-14-hp-str Percussione: Timpani, Tamburo piccolo, 2 Tamburi baschi, 4 Tom-toms, Cassa rullante, Gran cassa, Piatto suspeso (medio), Sizzle cymbal, Tamtam (grave), Crotali, Xylorimba, Vibrafono, Celesta, 4 Temple blocks, Wood chimes, Shell chimes, Flexaton, Water gong (the effect can be produced with a sampler), Dobaci (suspended above Timpani II for resonation)
Duration: 16
for soprano, baritone, mixed chorus and orchestra
2222(II+cfg)-4331-11-hp-str Percussione: Xylorimba
Duration: 20
Quint-Essence [SALES MATERIAL]
for saxophone quartet and percussionist
4sax, perc
Duration: 9
Requiem över en död diktare [SALES MATERIAL]
for baritone, mixed chorus and instrument ensemble
Duration: 16
for baritone, male chorus and orchestra
3(II&III+picc)22(II=bcl)2-3300-04-gt-str(vle-vc-cb) Percussione: Timpani, Tamburo piccolo, Tamburino, Tom-tom, Gran cassa, Darabuka, Piatti, Tamtam, Triangolo I Livslågan vaknar (Life's Flame Awakens) II Vishet (Wisdom) III Här är mig paradis (Paradise in Wilderness) IV Vinets lov (In Praise of Wine) V Epilog (Epilogue)
Duration: 21
Musico-dramatic Scenes (1971)
for speaker, mixed choir, instrument ensemble and choreography
Duration: 12
Sång och tystnad
Orfeus och Eurydike (1996)
for soprano, baritone, mixed chorus and orchestra
2(II+picc+afl)2(II+ca)22(II+cfg)-4331-03-hp-str Percussione: Timpani, Tamburo rullante (senza corde), Crotali, Vibrafono, Campane, Dobaci Cantata for the Sibelius Academy conferral ceremonies 1997.
Duration: 21
for baritone, mixed chorus and orchestra
Duration: 19
Svit ur kantaten Sve
for mezzo-soprano, reciter and instrument ensemble
Duration: 9
Tre aspetti d'una serie dodecafonica
for orchestra
22(II+ca)2(II+bcl)2-3220-13-str Percussione: Tamburo piccolo, Tamburo (Rührtrommel), Gran cassa, Piatti, 2 Piatti sospesi (piccolo & grande), Blocco di legno
Duration: 11
for dancers, singers, instrumentalists, choir and orchestra
2(II+afl)2(II+ca)22(II+cfg)-asax-0330--05-didgrd-bandon-str solo dancer w/ castanets, female solo dancer, male solo dancer, mezzo-soprano, bass baritone, mixed choir Can also be performed as a concert version.
Duration: 36
Birds in the Morning (III movement, extract)
Finnish Radio SO/Leif Segerstam
(Finlandia Records FACD 385)
Colori ed improvvisazioni (III movement, extract)
Finnish Radio SO/Leif Segerstam
(Finlandia Records FACD 025)
Vier Galgenlieder (1. Das grosse Lalula)
Finnish Chamber Choir/Eric-Olof Söderström
(Finlandia Records FACD 371)
Hathor Suite (part III)
Finnish Chamber Choir/Eric-Olof Söderström
(Finlandia Records FACD 371)
Cadenza for Oboe and Orchestra
Concerto for Chamber Orchestra
Fantasia for Trumpet and Orchestra
The Maestro and His Orchestra