Tauno Pylkkänen: Works for voice & piano (PDF)

Tauno Pylkkänen: Works for voice & piano (PDF)

Tauno Pylkkänen (1918–1980) was a prolific opera composer, his breakthrough being the opera Mare and his son (1943). Among the 10 operas he wrote orchestral music and songs. Lintu (Fågeln / The Bird) op. 1/1, poem by Einari Vuorela. 55016-484-0, € 5,90 Buy nowRannalla (On the Shore) op. 25a/6, poem by Saima Harmaja. 55016-482-6, €…

Erkki Melartin: Symphony No. 3 F major op. 40

Erkki Melartin: Symphony No. 3 F major op. 40

The first five symphonies by Erkki Melartin (1875–1937) represent the Finnish National Romantic music heritage based on Austo-German orchestral tradition. Melartin considered the Symphony No. 3 as his “testament” and a “description of a battle towards enjoying life”. The new Melartin symphonies editions of are born as a project of Erkki Melartin Society with the…

Kai Nieminen: Palomar – Concerto for Flute & Orchestra

Kai Nieminen: Palomar – Concerto for Flute & Orchestra

The music of Kai Nieminen does not conform to any “isms”. He remarks: “I feel like I am a painter in music, who having seen or experienced something attempts to give that something a shape in music.” The flute concerto Palomar was written for Patrick Gallois and premiered 2001 in Milan, Italy. Study score 55009-637-0,…

Kalevi Aho: Halla (Frost) for violin & piano

Kalevi Aho: Halla (Frost) for violin & piano

Halla (1992) was made as the compulsory piece for a Nordic violin and piano duo competition in Vaasa 1992. For some reason the competition was however cancelled so the piece was not premiered until 1994 by Semmy Stahlhammer and Juhani Lagerspetz at the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival. Duration 8 minutes. 55011-496-8, € 13,50

P. J. Hannikainen: Kevätlaulu for mixed choir (PDF)

P. J. Hannikainen: Kevätlaulu for mixed choir (PDF)

Pekka Juhani Hannikainen (1854–1924) oli merkittävän musiikkisuvun päämies ja säveltäjänä muutamaa teoriatuntia lukuun ottamatta itseoppinut. Hän sävelsi elinaikanaan yli kaksisataa laulua kuorotoiminnan innoittamana, suurimman osan sekakuorolle. Kansallisen heräämisen nousukauteen ajoittuvat laulut liittyvät aiheiltaan suomalaiseen perinteeseen. A spring song for mixed choir from the golden era of Finnish national romantic period.55016-480-2, € 2,00

Väinö Hannikainen: Works for voice & piano (PDF)

Väinö Hannikainen: Works for voice & piano (PDF)

Väinö Hannikainen (1900–1960) was one of the five sons of composer P.J. Hannikainen. He studied in Helsinki, Berlin and Paris and wrote a ballet, a chamber opera, music for his own instrument harp and a vast number of songs and cantatas. Karhunpoika (Little Bear) is set to the text by Lauri Hannikainen. 55016-479-6, € 5,90…

Ilmari Hannikainen: Works for voice & piano (PDF)

Ilmari Hannikainen: Works for voice & piano (PDF)

Ilmari Hannikainen (1892–1955) was the most prominent Finnish concert pianist during the first decades of the 1900s. He also was one of the country’s most established composers.Miksi laulat lintuseni 55016-475-8, € 5,90 Buy nowÄidin silmät (Mors ögon) 55016-474-1, € 4,90 Buy nowRauha (Frid) 55016-472-7, € 5,90 Buy nowDet gäller (Es gilt) 55016-471-0, € 4,90 Buy…

Leevi Madetoja: Miniatures op. 21 & Legend op. 34/3 for guitar

Leevi Madetoja: Miniatures op. 21 & Legend op. 34/3 for guitar

Six delightful miniatures from Leevi Madetoja (1887–1947, one of the most significant Finnish contemporaries of Sibelius) are now available as new guitar arrangements by Lauri Manninen. The Miniatures suite (1914) has five movements: The Evening Star, Valsette, Nocturne, The Game and The Children’s March. The Legend from Suite Pastorale (1916) was also originally composed for…