Eskelinen – Strandman: Lasten lied! 2 – Children’s Lied! 2

Eskelinen – Strandman: Lasten lied! 2 – Children’s Lied! 2

This collection of repertoire for young singers and pianists contains songs from a wide range of countries and cultures. There are songs in eight languages, all of them with sung Finnish and English translations. A thorough pedagogical introduction and a large collection of downloadable versions of the songs in various keys make this collection a…

Toiveohjelmistoa pianolle 2 (Favourites for Piano 2)

Toiveohjelmistoa pianolle 2 (Favourites for Piano 2)

A handpicked collection of piano gems. Contents: Amy Beach: Exiles · Lili Boulanger: Cortège · Brahms: Hungarian Dance no. 6; Intermezzo A major · Chopin: Étude E major; Marche funèbre; Prelude E minor · Debussy: Golliwog’s Cakewalk · Massenet: Elegie · Mozart: Fantasia no. 3 D minor · Prokofiev: Visions fugitives 1 · Rachmaninov: Prelude…

Siri Brander (arr. Westerlind): Elegie for string orchestra

Siri Brander (arr. Westerlind): Elegie for string orchestra

Siri Brander (1866–1934) was one of the first female composers to be played by the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra. Elegie (originally for piano) was arranged for string orchestra by A. E. Westerlind and first performed in 1894. More than 120 years later it was recovered in the archives. The small treasure of pure salon romanticism has…

Anna soida! – Pianokoulu aikuisille : Spela på! – Pianoskola för vuxna

Anna soida! – Pianokoulu aikuisille : Spela på! – Pianoskola för vuxna

Pitkään toivottu, alun perin 1990-luvulla julkaistu Pianokoulu aikuisille jälleen saatavilla! Anna soida! on kätevä opas  niille, joiden pianonsoiton opiskelu on syystä tai toisesta keskeytynyt tai lykkääntynyt. Sisältää monipuolista ja virkistävää ohjelmistoa, kaikille tuttuja kappaleita ja klassisia pienoishelmiä. Koskaan ei ole liian myöhäistä oppia soittamaan! Tvåspråkig utgåva fin-sve. 55011-636-8, € 34,90

Uuno Klami (edited by Eero Kesti): Sonata in B flat minor for viola and piano

Uuno Klami (edited by Eero Kesti): Sonata in B flat minor for viola and piano

Uuno Klami (1900–1961) became one of the leading Finnish Modernists during the 1920s. His sonata for viola and piano in B flat minor (1920) stayed forgotten for a long time until in 2016 the violist Eero Kesti took the demanding task of editing the very challenging manuscript which was full of unclear corrections. The sonata…

Kalevi Aho: Am Horizont for viola (with voice)

Kalevi Aho: Am Horizont for viola (with voice)

In spring 2020 the coronavirus began to spread throughout the world and in many places people were subjected to quarantine. It was then that the Japanese violist Hiyoli Togawa proposed to the record label BIS to release a viola disc entitled Songs of Solitude of short pieces by different contemporary composers as a reflection of…