Stringendo – Contemporary works for violin and piano

Stringendo – Contemporary works for violin and piano

Fennica Gehrman celebrates its 20th anniversary with this collection of commissioned pieces for violin and piano. Stringendo contains ten pieces from the composers Kalevi Aho, Kimmo Hakola, Mikko Heiniö, Olli Kortekangas, Jyrki Linjama, Veli-Matti Puumala, Einojuhani Rautavaara, Lotta Wennäkoski, Harri Wessman and Matthew Whittall.

Teemu Halmkrona: Ikimetsän lumous for piano

Teemu Halmkrona: Ikimetsän lumous for piano

Kuusi pianokappaletta kertovat kromatiikalla, kimaltavilla dissonansseilla ja muunnelluilla asteikoilla maustettuja, vahvatunnelmaisia tarinoita. Monenlaisia tekniikoita hyödyntävät bagatellit sopivat musiikkiopiston perustason jälkeiseksi ohjelmistoksi ja esityskappaleiksi. Teemu Halmkrona’s The charm of the deep forest is a collection of six bagatelles for piano, rich of chromaticism and many different modes. Buy now

Ahti Sonninen: Works for string orchestra

Ahti Sonninen: Works for string orchestra

Karelian Dance for violin and string orchestraVirtuoso-like La Danza Karelia for solo violin and string orchestra is published for the first time. Buy now Koska valaissee kointähtönenSonninen’s arrangement of beloved hymn "When does the morning star light up" is compatible to use with the choir version or as accompaniment for solo singer.

Petri Keskitalo: The Tunnel at the End of the Light for tuba

Petri Keskitalo: The Tunnel at the End of the Light for tuba

The Tunnel at the End of the Light is a commission by the Lieksa Brass Festival for its International Tuba Competition in 2023. The playful work employs quirky rhythms and changing meters, while exploring the upper and lower register of the tuba. Lyrical passages quickly change into driving rhythmic patterns, as if a hysterical tuba-player…

Zibuokle Martinaityte: Sielunmaisema (Soul-landscape) for cello & orchestra

Zibuokle Martinaityte: Sielunmaisema (Soul-landscape) for cello & orchestra

This work by Žibuoklė Martinaitytė reflects the seasons of the year in four movements. The Finnish title stands for soul-landscape which for the composer is related to the question of cultural identity: "My physical home keeps changing and the only thing that remains is music." Buy now

Jennah Vainio: End Credits for a movie that got discarded for string trio

Jennah Vainio: End Credits for a movie that got discarded for string trio

The string trio End Credits (2016) is intended to play together with a video projection. Composer Jennah Vainio sees it as a portrayal of a person’s inner mind: "It is a beautiful, tender and introvert snapshot of a moment, a journey into the thoughts of a person. The work can be visualized by a video…