Antti Auvinen: Karkija for bass clarinet and marimba
Karkija for bass clarinet and marimba was a commission of Duo Xylokosmos and was premiered in Austria 2007. The product includes one performance score (B4 sized loose pages) in a folder.

Antti Auvinen: Beneath for wind quintet
Beneath for wind quintet (2007) was commissioned by the quintet Arktinen hysteria. The work was premiered in 2007.

Antti Auvinen: Singel Excelsis for organ
Singel excelsis is composed using the material from an earlier work for three organs. Auvinen finds fascinating the rhythmic characteristics of the organ: "Many of the vibrations and rhythmic fluctuations derived from the overtone series and the natural virtuosity of the instrument is utterly fascinating."

Antti Auvinen: Delfiinimeditaatio for mixed choir
Delfiinimeditaatio (A Dolphin Meditation) is set to Harry Salmenniemi’s short story (in Finnish). Salmenniemi’s prose gets a modern treatment by Auvinen: repetitions of words and syllables, cutting, onomatopoetism, hissing and sprechgesang methods are employed. Buy now

Antti Auvinen: Post-Tarrega Stress Funk for guitar
Post-Tarrega Stress Funk (2020) is a whirlwind showcase piece for the guitar. Exceptionally demanding technically, it was composed for the guitar virtuoso Otto Tolonen, who premiered the work at the Amsterdam Concertgebouw in february 2020. A download link to practice score is included in the printed version.55011-732-7, 21,20 € Buy now