Ilkka Kuusisto: Solo songs and song cycles


The grand old man of Finnish opera Ilkka Kuusisto passed away recently. In addition to almost 20 operas he also wrote an enormous amount of off-stage vocal music: choir works and song cycles. 

Newly published Kuusisto solo songs and song cycles:

Merellinen sarja – Laulusarja Jouni Lompolon runoihin mezzosopraanolle ja pianolle
Maritime suite – Song cycle to the poems of Jouni Lompolo for mezzo-soprano and piano 
The four songs are inspired by the sea. Buy now

Lotjan kannelta – Laulusarja Kalle Väänäsen runoihin miesäänelle ja pianolle
From the deck of a barge – Song cycle to the poems of Kalle Väänänen for male voice and piano 
These witty songs are written in the Finnish Savo dialect. Buy now

Käyn kohti kylää – Suomalainen yksinlaulu
Towards the village – Finnish Art Song 
Ilkka Kuusisto gave the subtitle “Finnish Art Song” to his playful work with non accented syllables in wrong places – this play of words changes the whole meaning. Coming soon