Juhani Nuorvala: Prélude non retouché for organ

Juhani Nuorvala: Prélude non retouché for organ

Juhani Nuorvala, described as an “electro-acoustic urban minimalist”, seeks inspiration from widely varied sources. With the enthusiasm of an explorer, he has delved into microtonality, French spectral music, techno and rock. It all becomes organically fused into his own idiom, often characterised by a frenzied rhythmic drive. Prélude non retouché (2012) for organ in ¼…

Olli Koskelin: X’Three for violoncello

Olli Koskelin: X’Three for violoncello

X’Three (2003/2021) is the third piece of a solo cello suite consisting of seven compositions. Each of the seven pieces can be performed individually or detached with other X’-compositions. Different works are yet to be performed chronologically. The X’-works are composed by using the same material viewed from many different angles. Their structure can be…

Louhos & al.: Pianon avain – Alkeisohjelmisto

Louhos & al.: Pianon avain – Alkeisohjelmisto

Pianon avain – Alkeisohjelmisto sisältää innostavia esityskappaleita opintojaan aloitteleville soittajille. Värikkäiden ja tunteisiin vetoavien kappaleiden nuotit ovat helposti hallittavalla alueella. Kokoelman soittaminen voidaan aloittaa heti kun oppilas on omaksunut nuotinluvun alkeet. Mukana on runsaasti yhteissoittotehtäviä kahdelle tai kolmelle soittajalle sekä rytmisoitinosuuksia. Kappalekohtaiset, puhelimella tai tabletilla skannattavat QR-koodit avaavat kappaleet kuunneltavina versioina YouTubessa. Suomenkieliset tempomerkinnät johdattelevat…

Mikko Heiniö: Alla madre – Concerto for violin

Mikko Heiniö: Alla madre – Concerto for violin

Mikko Heiniö’s violin concerto Alla madre (2007) abandons the traditional virtuoso concerto concept: here a large orchestra engages in dialogue with a solo violin. The first movement is called Arrivo, “Arrival”: the soloist literally arrives later, and by degrees, playing his/her first two solos offstage. Solo part & piano reduction Buy now

Olli Koskelin: Works for wind instruments

Olli Koskelin: Works for wind instruments

Olli Koskelin’s musical output reflects a wide range of interests: neo-impressionism with post-expressionist echoes, breakneck virtuosity, even overtones and spectrality are present in his works. 7 Haiku for flute and guitarIn this 15-minute duo the haiku gets three different interpretations: intertwined with the composed version the performers improvise it and read it out loud. The…

Timo Alakotila: Hope 2021 for string quintet and piano

Timo Alakotila: Hope 2021 for string quintet and piano

Composer and musician Timo Alakotila is a distinguished, active and versatile talent in the Finnish music scene whose long career working with different genres of music – folk music in particular – has been ground-breaking. Hope 2021 was commissioned by Kaustinen Chamber Music Week. The topic of the 4-minute work for two violins, viola, cello,…